Mr. KOUAKOU Koffi Valerie
Côte d’Ivoire
Master of Business Administration
Kwansei Gakuin University
Working at Unilever Japan / Zuiko Corporation, Tokyo / Osaka, Japan
I am from a country that produces about 45% of world cocoa output. So, my MBA thesis focused on the supposed benefit of Fair-trade to cocoa farmers in developing countries, and especially to Ivorian farmers. A team of interviewers were sent in different locations in Cote d’Ivoire to interview 800 farmers on their farming practice, their revenue, and their awareness of Fair-trade. The findings of the questionnaire helped develop the thesis.
After my University degrees, I worked during 6 years in Japan before returning to the Ivory Coast. I currently work as the General Affair Director / Sales and Marketing Manager for the West African subsidiary of the Ajinomoto Group in Cote d’Ivoire.
Studying in Japan opened unthinkable doors to me. It was indeed a rich and unique experience in term of culture, knowledge, and know-how development. This is the opportunity to broaden your mind and expand the opportunities ahead. You will experience a “bizarre” world of high end technology harmoniously cohabiting with centuries old traditions and culture. I strongly recommend it to any young African wanting to build up essential skills and learn a whole new philosophy of life.