Mr. Eliud Kiprop
PhD student
Sustainable Environmental Studies
University of Tsukuba
Currently, I am pursuing a doctoral program in Sustainable Environmental Studies. My research aims to address the challenges of 100% electricity supply with renewable energy sources in Kenya’s national grid. This was informed by the need to scaleup the deployment of renewable energy resources as a solution to low electricity access in rural areas, climate change and sustainable development. Before joining the PhD program, I studied Master of Engineering at @Ashikaga Institute of Technology focusing on microgenerators and turbines for wind and hydropower generation technologies.
My childhood dream was to study in Japan because at that time Japanese products like cars and electronics were common in Kenya. When I grew up and got interested in renewable energy and environment I realized that Japan’s research and development in the renewable energy field were very advanced both in academic and research institutes. During my master’s course study, I got a chance to study and experience internship at different Japanese companies. I would like to act as a bridge between Japan and Kenya through our company, @Higashi Africa Investment Company Limited. This is a company we formed with friends after realizing the enormous challenge that Japanese companies face as they try to expand their businesses in Africa.
Japan provides the best environment for research and living. There are numerous scholarship opportunities and for the prospective privately sponsored students the fees in public universities are much lower compared to most of the other advanced economies. There is also a sense of serenity and security in and outside the university that allows the students to focus comfortably on their research. The experience of studying in English while learning a new culture and language is exciting. This is because the Japanese culture is fused into every facet of their lives. The beauty in Japan means that you never miss places to visit and enjoy across the four seasons. There are also numerous opportunities for those who would like to work in Japan after graduation. I wish you all the very best as you strive to achieve your dreams by studying in Japan.